You can request a Statement of Account, which includes your current balance at any time. Usually, a statement can be provided within 5-7 business days.
Your statement will include a breakdown of all RCO accounts related to your organization, including funds stewarded by SEAL which include the After Dark Programming Fund, CommUnity Grants, and SIOP allocations.
Send your request to our Campus Organizations Advising Team.
In your request, please add the subject as "[RCO Name] Statement of Account Request".
Reconciling Statements
Correcting Errors
It is a good idea to review your organization's transactions periodically (at least once per quarter) to ensure that there are no errors. If you believe a transaction is in error, please notify SEAL. Errors must be submitted each year no later than June 15; once the fiscal year has ended, transactions can no longer be corrected.
Associated Students (A.S.) Funding Sources
Keep in mind that money allocated to your organization by A.S. entities (e.g. Finance & Business Committee, CAB, Coastal Fund, etc.) is NOT DEPOSITED into your organization's RCO account. Refer to the A.S. Finance & Business Committee for a comprehensive guide to accessing A.S. funds.
A.S. allocations do not "roll over" from year to year, so it is critically important to file any purchase orders or reimbursements in a timely manner (within two weeks of your event); otherwise, funding may be rescinded. (The fiscal year is July 1 - June 30.)