For nearly 30 years, Student Engagement & Leadership annually recognizes outstanding student leaders and registered campus organizations for their contributions to the positive quality of campus life.
The awards selection committee reviews hundreds of nominations for several different awards and identifies the recipients each spring. The Awards Ceremony is emceed by the chairperson of the selection committee along with fellow committee members.
Awards fall into two categories
Individual Excellence and Group Achievement. Nominations are due by 11:59pm on Monday, April 25, 2022.
All nomination applications can be found on Shoreline — students, staff, faculty, and community members are all welcome to submit nominations!
Individual Excellence Categories
This award recognizes the president/chairperson who has demonstrated an extraordinary personal commitment to his/her organization and has thus enabled the group to excel in fulfilling its mission and goals. This person’s efforts will have positively affected the organization in significant ways.
This award recognizes the organization leader who has led his or her organization with heart by recognizing individual contributions, celebrating the values and victories of the organization, and fostering an environment of community and belonging among organization members.
This award is the first in a new series of five awards that recognize the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership outlined in The Leadership Challenge Workshop (Jim Kouzes & Barry Posner, Pfeiffer, 2010).
Freshman • Sophomore • Junior • New Transfer • Senior • Graduate Student
This award will recognize those students who contribute to the quality of campus life through their participation in co-curricular activities. Awards will be given to deserving students in each class level based on their contributions during the present academic year. Transfer students who arrived Summer or Fall of the present academic year should be recognized as New Transfers. Cumulative contributions are considered only when evaluating graduating seniors.
Group Achievement Categories
This award recognizes the registered campus organization whose educational or social program promoted community harmony and the celebration of diversity, or addressed issues of bias in our community. The program awarded will be creative in content or delivery, and unlike any other program offered during the year.
Recognizes the outstanding registered campus organization that provides public service to benefit the disadvantaged, works remedy social problems, improves the quality of life for members of local and/or global community, and/or responds to an immediate need or a long-term goal by a community service effort.
This award recognizes the registered campus organization whose individual educational, recreational or social program has illustrated innovative techniques and concepts to benefit members of UCSB and/or the local community. The program will be creative in content or delivery, and unlike any other program offered during the year.
Recognizes the registered campus organization that has demonstrated the most significant overall improvement since the previous academic year. The organization will have flourished after having overcome issues within the organization and/or increased membership or community interest dramatically.
This award recognizes new registered campus organization(s) that were created and implemented during the current academic year. The nominee(s) can be recognized for their innovation and new ideas, leadership skills, and persistence to create a new organization despite the challenges of functioning in a virtual environment.
This award recognizes the group or organization that has made outstanding contributions to the campus' environmental sustainability efforts and whose work has had a significant campus impact. Ideally the nominee’s work touches on each of the 3 E’s of sustainability – Environmental Impact, Social Equity, and Economic Prosperity. Not every measure will relate to every nominee.
This award recognizes the registered campus organization(s) that continues to demonstrate overall, well-rounded success through multiple avenues, such as a diversity of programs, increased member participation, leadership development, and other notable achievements that contribute to the campus community over the academic year.