Funding Sources for Registered Campus Organizations

Fundraising is an important part of your program planning process.  However, requesting money from a funding resource is not the first step.

Before making a formal funding request, your organization must have a clear vision of the event you are planning to host. An effective request should describe the need, importance, and uniqueness of the program as well as your organization’s plan for implementing it. Each RCO is required to add hosted events on your Shoreline group page and may need additional advising from a University advisor. 

Tips for writing a successful funding proposal

  • Begin early (think a quarter in advance)
  • Focus your application on the funder’s priorities 
  • Follow the application guidelines exactly
  • Be specific about what you plan to do
  • Include all the information the funder has asked for and
    any additional information or documents they require
  • Make your budget as specific as possible
  • Take extra care to meet the deadline
  • Write in plain English

(Adapted from Advocates for Youth and Grant Proposals)

UCSB offers a wide variety of funding resources for your group’s events and activities. Take a look and check eligibility requirements for each of the different sources. Make sure you apply to those committees and departments that better align to your group’s mission and vision.

Associated Students Boards & Commissions 

(Must attend a mandatory AS orientation prior to receiving funding)

  • Finance and Business Committee Funding Guide and Request Financial Information
  • The charge of the AS Finance and Business Committee is to help registered student organizations put on successful events, provide necessary student services, hold conferences, and fund championship aspiring teams through the procurement of funds.
  • The Finance Board is responsible for allocating a yearly budget that is used to foster leadership, give to the community, and enhance the experience of UCSB students. Meetings are held every Monday in the State Street room at 4:00 pm. For questions, please contact your Finance Board Liaison.
  • New groups can request a $250 startup

Each A.S. Entity has their own liaison

Use of A.S. Money

The Following CANNOT
be funded by an A.S. entity:

  1. Travel or Transportation Costs (only exception involves specific request from Finance Board directly)
  2. Food Expenditures over $500 per year
    (from ALL BCCs combined)
  3. Expenses related to off-campus special events, banquets, and picnics (excluding Isla Vista)
  4. Equipment purchases, ONLY rentals are allowed, unless the equipment is to be donated to A.S.
  1. Awards, trophies, gifts or scholarships for individuals
  2. Personal items including costumes
  3. Publicity Bonds
  4. Student Engagement & Leadership Account Maintenance Fee
  5. Expenses relating to conferences outside of UCSB (some exceptions are made)

Other Funding Sources

Some academic departments offer funding to student organizations whose events are in keeping with the mission and interest of the department. The funding process may vary in each department.

  • As part of the University's continued efforts to involve students in alcohol-free and non-alcohol-centered activities and events, the mission of Student Engagement & Leadership's After Dark Late Night Social Programming Fund is to provide students with alternative activities and funding for Registered Campus Organizations. Organizations can apply on Shoreline.

Programs should meet the following guidelines:

  • Sponsored by a Registered Campus Organization or Associated Students entity
  • Social, recreational or entertainment-based
  • Scheduled for a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday
  • Scheduled to begin in the late-night hours (after 7:00 p.m.)
  • Open to the entire UCSB student population at a low-cost amount or free and held in a public venue, on-campus, or in I.V.
  • Alcohol-free or non-alcohol centered

CommUnity Grants fund activities that promote cross-cultural exploration and dialogue around issues related to identity in order to build understanding and unity. Here, "identities" is used in a broad sense and includes, but is not limited to sex or gender, race or ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or spirituality, ability, national origin, and familial status. In other words, CommUnity Grants are available to support programs that convene individuals and groups representing different identities in order to promote cross-cultural awareness, understanding, and appreciation. Organizations can apply on Shoreline

Provides funding for events held at the Thunderdome.

The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) provides funding for projects which "green" our campus and reduce the University's impact on the environment. TGIF allocates funds to projects that increase the amount of renewable energy used on campus, increase energy efficiency, and reduce the amount of waste created (GHGs) by our University.  Portions of the fund will support education initiatives, student aid (via return to aid), and internships. TGIF is administered through a student majority governance board. The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) was the first green fee in the UC system. It was created by students in the spring of 2006 with a charge to "reduce the University's impact on the environment."

Funded in 1987, the MultiCultural Center was created to provide a safe space for students of color, international students, and gay, lesbian, and bisexual students and to serve as a bridge to the entire campus community. To that end, the MCC offers a broad spectrum of events including lectures, panel discussions, films and videos, musical, dance, and dramatic performances, and poetry readings, which are all open to the general public. To apply for funding, submit a funding request with contact information, event description, and budget to the MultiCultural Center office

Submit funding request with contact information and event description and budget to the Office of the Chancellor.

The Residence Halls Association, or RHA, is UCSB's student government for the residence halls. We conduct social, educational, cultural, and recreational programming for all of our residents as well as advocate for our residents in the larger campus community.

The SEAL-SFAC (Student Fee Advisory Committee) Fund is a new SEAL funding source for UCSB Registered Campus Organizations (RCOs). The fund is meant to fund new and innovative student initiatives on campus. If your project or idea needs some help getting its feet off the ground, this funding source may be the right one for you! Priority funding is given to creative student-driven initiatives,  pilot campus programs, and campus events, and for Registered Campus Organizations enhancing diversity and positively impacting as many UCSB Students as possible. Organizations can apply on Shoreline.

The Student Initiated Outreach Program allocates funds to facilitate outreach projects by currently registered UCSB student organizations. Consideration is given to projects that are designed to increase the eligibility and college attendance rates of underrepresented, low-income, and other specifically identified disadvantaged populations.

Provides grants for any events in the UCen: Corwin Pavilion, meeting rooms, Storke Plaza that will help defray the rental costs.

  • The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs has a limited amount of money to co-sponsor campus events and activities hosted by registered campus student organizations.  Grants will rarely exceed $300, and the funding committee will generally favor applications for events that are cross-cultural in nature or for speakers who invite provocative or difficult dialogues.  In addition, proposals that have already been granted supplementary funding from other sources are preferable.  As a general rule, requests for off-campus conferences and travel expenses will not be funded.
  • Please note that funding by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs does not represent endorsement or approval of an event or its content.
  • The following statement must be included in any promotional materials or programs in which sponsors' names are listed: "Provision of funding by sponsors does not represent endorsement or approval of the event or its content."
  •  Fill out the Google form application as completely as possible. If you have questions, you can e-mail Jayne Patterson, Financial & Project Analyst, at

The Women, Gender, & Sexual Equity Department exists at UCSB to support students, faculty, and staff who might face some challenges due to their identity. We celebrate all identities and encourage people from all identities to get involved. Our department is made up of four distinct program areas: Women's Center Programs, Rape Prevention Education Program, Non-Traditional Student Resource Center, and LGBT Resources/Resource Center for Sexual & Gender Diversity. Collectively we strive to make UCSB a more welcoming and just place.

  • The WGSE offers limited funding to student organizations when it is available (one request per academic year). The basis for awarding these funds (usually $50-$100) falls under the WGSE mission. Funding does not reflect endorsement or co-sponsorship f the event.
  • The Women, Gender, & Sexual Equity Department uses a feminist approach to provide support, advocacy, resources and education to the UCSB community. We value and respect all genders, gender expressions, bodies, sexual orientations, and racial and ethnic identities while challenging all forms of oppression. We work towards creating a campus environment that is safe, equitable, and just.