Associated Students (A.S.) is a non-profit organization and a department UC Santa Barbara, funded by undergraduate student fees. Through elected student positions and appointments they voice student concerns and express student opinion to the University administration, UC system, our community, and state and local governments.
There are dozens of boards, committees, and commissions that are organized and funded through A.S. to enrich student life and give students services and opportunities not offered by the administration. Their mission is to help students uphold the high academic standards and give them leadership, employment, cultural, and growth opportunities to serve the campus community.
Registered campus organizations regularly partner with A.S. for their support in hosting events by utilizing services such as funding from the Fiance and Business Committee, securing ticket sellers, co-sponsorship with Program Board for AV equipment and or Event staff, and for media and publication services.
Below are boards and committees within A.S. that your organization can solicit funding from if the nature of your event is relevant to the mission of that board or commission.
Funding Opportunities For Your Organization's Event
A.S. Finance and Business is an Administrative Committee under the Office of the Internal Vice President. ASFB serves the UC Santa Barbara student body by facilitating the financial allocation of student fees.
To obtain the $250 start-up fund: ASFB.
In order to be eligible to receive A.S. Funding, groups must have attended a F&B Workshop, completed an Authorized Signers Form, Submit a Budget Proposal, and attend an F&B Meeting, held every Monday at 4 PM in the State Street Room of the UCen.
Funding proposals must advance the CF Mission Statement, have relevance to the student community and benefit the UCSB shoreline to be eligible.
The A.S. Community Affairs Board (CAB), UCSB’s Volunteer Action Center, is dedicated to enhancing the educational experience of all students by providing information and easy access to community service work. The CAB board meets every Monday at 7:30 PM to review funding requests. Funding Requests must be submitted by Thursday before 5 PM to be reviewed for the following Monday leader meeting.
Environmental Affairs Board (EAB) was established to protect, preserve and enhance the environment, principally at UCSB and its surrounding communities. They focus on ecology, energy, food, climate change, water policy and conservation, the economy, environmental justice and other issues. They coordinate and coalition-build with other groups to promote environmental perspectives and sustainability throughout the University.
Funding for events held in Isla Vista up to $500.
The Isla Vista Tenants Union (IVTU) is an organization serving the interests of Isla Vista tenants. We recognize the diversity of our community, and we strive to meet the different needs of our members while uniting our common interests as tenants. We educate tenants on their rights and responsibilities, and we act as a resource when problems occur. We believe people should live without the suffering that arises from discrimination, retaliation, or neglect. We reach out to property managers, the university, elected officials, local groups, and individuals to realize our vision and address pressing tenant issues. In providing a service to the tenants of Isla Vista, we also hope to build a united, educated, and proactive community.
To request support with production, publicity, and event staff, contact this board directly or stop by to learn how they can help.
SCORE is an organization dedicated to advocating for the rights and issues of students of color and underrepresented communities at UC Santa Barbara and the broader system of higher education.
The A.S. Trans and Queer Commission shall serve as an educational and advocacy forum for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI) student’s rights, with a commitment to representing and improving the status of LGBTQI students on campus and in the community.