UCSB is currently open to fraternity and sorority establishment proposals with the exception of National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) organizations*. Proposal submissions are accepted on a rolling basis, but submission does not guarantee approval nor does it compel a review process.

Interested Organizations

While exact procedures vary by Council, all prospective organizations should consult with Jonathan Ng, Associate Director, to discuss interest, procedures, and timelines.

  1. Consult with Jonathan Ng, Associate Director, to discuss interest, procedures, and timelines.
  2. Submit a complete Application to Establish a Recognized Fraternity or Sorority at UCSB to SEAL (application download links provided below).

Eligibility for Establishment

Chapters affiliated with national organizations (used interchangeably with regional, national, and international fraternity and sorority headquarters) are generally eligible to apply for consideration at UCSB. 

"National organizations" are defined by UCSB as those that maintain

  • A headquarters or office space and staff, remote staff considered
  • Non-profit status with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • A Board of Directors with an organizational structure that promotes regional support as well as governance documents
  • Proof of general commercial liability insurance with a minimum of one million dollars in coverage
  • Regional and or national structure of meetings or conventions

"Local" organizations that do not meet all of the aspects of the "national organization" definition above are not eligible for establishment at UCSB; in order to become eligible, such an organization must first meet the above eligibility criteria.

Note: Professional and honorary fraternities and sororities with interest in joining the Professional Fraternity Council (PFC) should reach out to Jonathan for next steps. PFC affiliates are recognized under the Campus Organizations umbrella.

New Establishment Process

While processes differ among the Councils, the procedure generally follows the following pattern. 
On average, the process takes 3-6 months from application review to receive a final decision. Application submission does not compel an application review process. 


Student and/or national representative confers with Jonathan regarding relevant procedures.


National representative submits application to SEAL to be reviewed during the next scheduled review period.


On behalf of the University, the Dean of Student Life, or their designee, and a representative from SEAL review applications and forward eligible applicants to applicable Councils for further review.


Councils conduct independent review of applications and may require additional information, including interviews or presentations.


SEAL and Council(s) jointly determine status of each application.


Official decisions are communicated to organization representatives by SEAL. Verbal and written decisions delivered by Councils are not final or binding. Approved applicants will be invited to join a Council as a new group with the expectation that they will progress to a full chapter within 18 months. Denied applicants are eligible to reapply after one calendar year.

Expansion Application

Download as a Word Document or PDF

Next deadline: TBA

*NPC organizations will follow extension guidelines as outlined in the NPC Manual of Information.