Are you planning event? Is it open to the general public and/or campus community?

It sounds like you should attend a Minor Events Committee!

After you create your event on Shoreline and complete the 360 Event Planning Guide - mark your calendar for the following Wednesday to attend a Minor Events Committee Meeting.

Minor Events Committee Meetings are held in conjunction with campus service providers such as media equipment, Community Service Organization, A.S. Ticket Office, After Dark Funding, and the Campus Fire Marshal.

The purpose of these meetings are to ensure that you are ready to host your event or are provided the proper assistance to execute a safe and successful event. We offer support and guidance to the UCSB community ranging from full-service events logistics to answering protocol questions and offering systems for event success. 

Minor Event Committee Meetings are held every Wednesday during the academic school year from 12:00pm-1:00pm on Zoom in a hybrid format, except during week 10, quarter breaks and university holidays. No reservation is required.


Attendance to the Minor Events Committee is required of all Registered Campus Organizations hosting an event
(expect general membership and officer meetings).

  • Events must be approved by the Minor Events Committee
  • Please make sure you attend a Minor Events Committee Meeting at least 3 weeks before the day of your event